Consumer guide > Yamba NSW > pest control > termites > other pests |
Summary of Key Recommendations |
Modern pest control products although much safer to use in and around living areas - modern pest control technologies are more expensive - require a far higher level of skill to ensure an effective result.
Termites - white-ants are the number one pest in the Yamba NSW region - several destructive termite species are highly prevalent - can cause high level damage in a few months - building insurances do NOT cover termite damage - recommend a professional pest controller carry out a Termite Inspection Report to AS 3660 - including advice on termite control options ... more details For termite protection your best option is to (1) attach termite baits to any live termite feeding areas found (2) monitor bait consumption for several weeks (3) treat the soil area at the base and perimeter of the building using Termidor or Premise liquid termiticides ... more details Hi-tech pest control baits - recently a new range of pest control products have become available in New South Wales including hi-tech baits for termites, cockroaches and ants ... more details Be careful of any proposed SOLE use of a termite baiting system if a live termite feeding area is NOT found in or nearby the building - termite baiting has serious limitations - termites are blind and your home is a much bigger target for termites to find than little plastic boxes in the garden area ... more details |
For pest control advice - click on your problem pest |
Termites infiltrate Yamba homes - will Yours be next? |
Termidor & Premise - highly effective termite control products |
KORDON - Builders Termite Control Product |
Why it's IMPORTANT to know ... about Termites |
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FREE - FUMAPEST Spider Identification
Chart with FIRST AID spider bite procedures - a ready reference
guide in full colour of dangerous and venomous spiders that commonly
occur in the Yamba NSW region.
Featured in the Spider Identifcation Chart are the male and female Sydney funnel web spider, red-back spider, white-tail spider, black house spider, wolf spider, mouse spider, trap-door spider, huntsman spider, orb-weaver spider and other spiders with notes to aid in spider identification.
FUMAPEST Pest Control © copyright 1995 to - updated |