Consumer guide > Streaky Bay SA > pest control > termites > other pests Consumer Guide to Pest Control Services in South Australia - learn about destructive termites in Streaky Bay SA region - other pests in Streaky Bay SA region - recommended termite control methods - the safer more effective pest control products - pesticide safety issues - consumer protection advice AUSTRALIAN PEST CONTROLLERS ASSOCIATION INC.
WARNING be careful in selecting a pest controller - it's far too easy to get a State Government Pest Control License without proper training ... more details
Summary of Key Recommendations
Modern pest control products although much safer to use in and around living areas - modern pest control technologies are more expensive - require a far higher level of skill to ensure an effective result.
Termites - white-ants are the number one pest in the Streaky Bay SA region - several destructive termite species are highly prevalent - can cause high level damage in a few months - building insurances do NOT cover termite damage - recommend a professional pest controller carry out a Termite Inspection Report to AS 3660 - including advice on termite control options ... more details
For termite protection your best option is to (1) attach termite baits to any live termite feeding areas found (2) monitor bait consumption for several weeks (3) treat the soil area at the base and perimeter of the building using Termidor or Premise liquid termiticides ... more details
Hi-tech pest control baits - recently a new range of pest control products have become available in South Australia including hi-tech baits for termites, cockroaches and ants ... more details
Be careful of any proposed SOLE use of a termite baiting system if a live termite feeding area is NOT found in or nearby the building - termite baiting has serious limitations - termites are blind and your home is a much bigger target for termites to find than little plastic boxes in the garden area ... more details
  For pest control advice - click on your problem pest  
Ants Bird Control Fleas Spiders
Bed Bugs Borers Rats & Mice Termites
Bees Cockroaches Silverfish Wasps
  Termites infiltrate Streaky Bay homes - will Yours be next?  
1 in 3 homes - recent industry surveys suggest about one in three of homes in South Australia will suffer a termite infestation - actual figures for the Streaky Bay SA region may be higher due to the highly destructive local termite species - other local environmental factors favouring widespread termite colony development - and the type of construction of buildings in the Streaky Bay region that allow undetectible termite entry into the wall and roofing timbers.
Fortunately the new hi-tech termite control products from USA - Termidor and Premise termiticides are now available in SA which offer 100% termite protection in the vast majority of situations.
Termidor and Premise termiticides - used to treat the soil abutting the base and perimeter of a building - acts to prevent termite entry into the building AND by a unique delayed transfer effect can eliminate termite nests near the building - both termiticides have been used and tested in USA and Australia for more than 10 years - both have an excellent reputation as reliable termite control products.
Non-repellant Termidor and Premise work differently to other soil treatment termiticides - termites cannot detect these chemicals in the soil - it sticks to their skin - some die straight away - others transfer the chemical back to the central colony nest and is spread to other termites (and the queen) by their mutual feeding and grooming habit - highly effective at termite colony elimination.
  Termidor & Premise - highly effective termite control products  
Subterranean termites constant forage for new food sources - when tunneling in the Termidor or Premise treated soil area next to the building - ie in higher concentration areas near point of application - are killed outright or within a few hours.
Subterranean termites when tunneling in the outer parts of a Termidor or Premise treated soil area - ie in the lower concentration areas - cannot detect the chemical which sticks to their bodies - a delayed lethal effect of a few days - enough time to be transferred back to the central colony nest.

Transfer effect - some affected termites carry the termiticide back to the central colony nest - termites groom each other regularly - eating fungi and the termiticide from the skin of other termites - they also transfer the termiticide with partly digested timber when the worker termites feed other dependant termites - if the queen termite is killed then the entire termite colony will be eliminated.
Cannibals - Subterranean termites cannibalise or carry away termites killed from ingesting the termiticide - this further spreads the deadly effect of the termiticide - eliminating the entire colony.
  KORDON - Builders Termite Control Product  
Home Builders in SA must install adequate termite barriers in the construction of a building - as per the BCA Building Code of Australia and Local Council regulations - KORDON is CodeMark Accredited - developed and manufactured by Bayer Australia - their accreditation scheme for KORDON installers is excellent .... for more details
  Why it's IMPORTANT to know ... about Termites  
The destructive nature of a termite infestation in your home can be devastating - the resulting damage can be severe and your building insurance policy will not cover the repair costs
Subterranean termites are known to attack buildings in the Streaky Bay SA region and cause severe damage to roofing and wall framing timbers within a few months of the initial infestation.
termite To best protect your property we strongly recommend you read the Termites section of this web-site to help you assess your property's level of risk, and if need be, to choose which of the termite control methods will best protect your property.
Termite control options aim at exploiting certain behavioural characteristics of subterranean termites in varying types of building construction and environmental situations - click here for info on termites in the Streaky Bay SA region.
FUMAPEST Spider Identification Chart
FREE - FUMAPEST Spider Identification Chart with FIRST AID spider bite procedures - a ready reference guide in full colour of dangerous and venomous spiders that commonly occur in the Streaky Bay SA region.
Featured in the Spider Identifcation Chart are the male and female Sydney funnel web spider, red-back spider, white-tail spider, black house spider, wolf spider, mouse spider, trap-door spider, huntsman spider, orb-weaver spider and other spiders with notes to aid in spider identification.
Click here to view A4 size colour FUMAPEST Spider Identification Chart
Termites Termite Control Pest Control Consumer Advice